Lirik Lagu Passenger - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Lirik Lagu "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" dari Passenger. Lagu ini diciptakan oleh Michael Rosenberg dan ada di dalam album The Boy who Cried Wolf yang didistribusikan oleh label Black Crow Records. Berikut cuplikan teks lagunya "Well I am the boy who cried wolf And I know I’ve lied in …".
Lirik Lagu The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Lirik Lagu Passenger - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Lirik Lagu Passenger - The Boy Who Cried Wolf


Penyanyi : Passenger
Judul Lagu : The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Album: The Boy who Cried Wolf
Label : Black Crow Records

“The Boy Who Cried Wolf" merupakan single terbaru dari Passenger. Berikut Lirik Lagu The Boy Who Cried Wolf yang dinyanyikan oleh Passenger. Semoga lagu tersebut bisa menghibur anda.
Lirik The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Well I am the boy who cried wolf
And I know I’ve lied in the past
But last night I saw his yellow eyes shining in the dark
Yeah I know I spun tales with his voice
And I open my mouth too fast
But last night I saw his footprints in the path

Well I could swim every sea from south pole to north
But I know I’ll only ever be the boy who cried wolf

Well I am the shepherds only son
And I know what a joke I’ve become;
I have an honest heart but I have lies on my tongue
I don’t know how this started or where it came from
And you have no reason and I have no proof
But this time I swear, I’m telling the truth
I saw that old wolf, from tail to tooth
And I know that he’s hungry and he’s coming down too

Well I could swim every sea from south pole to north
And I could climb every tree, and scale every coarse
Well I could tell only the truth from this day forth
But I know I’ll only ever be the boy who cried wolf

Oh, oh I am the boy who cried wolf
Oh, I am the boy who cried wolf

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